ExCo Summit News Ed. 6

Hey ExCo, what’s up? Where ya been the last few months?

We’ve been busy crushing code and launching new products. Where have YOU been??

A few months ago we pushed a major update (v2.0) to HyundaiSalesTraining.com. This release brought a laundry list of new features and capabilities to the sales training portal we launched in 2018. The most notable enhancements are centered around providing users (Hyundai sales associates) with interactive e-learning experiences and custom curriculums for their continued education and new vehicle certifications.

E-Learning Web Application

We also launched Everhem.com, a pretty sweet 100% custom-built e-commerce site. Everhem is flipping the window treatment game upside-down by helping customers customize, purchase, and install high-end, bespoke window drapery and shades without the help of an interior designer, contractor, or handyman. If you check out the website, be sure to play with the customizable “product builder”, which will dynamically generate a hyperreal photo render of your final product.

E-commerce Website Screenshot

We’re incredibly happy with how these projects turned out and are thrilled to see the positive traction they are gaining in the market. But enough about us, here is some cool stuff from around the web that we’d like to share with you.

1. Corn Website for the Win

When imagining an award-winning microsite complete with smooth scrolling advanced 3D animations, cutting edge graphics, and an almost sci-fi theme, you’re probably not thinking of a corn seed manufacturer and wholesale distributer. Well, think again...

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2. Security Reporting Instructions for the USS Enterprise

The crew aboard Starfleet’s USS Enterprise knows that sh**t can go wrong... a lot. Thankfully, when these inconveniences have to do with the ship’s security, the crew has protocols in place.

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3. Open World Gameplay, Complex Puzzles, and Cats

What’s hyped as "the most anticipated cat game of 2020”, Peace Island brings you and your seven feline sidekicks to an uninhabited town on a remote island. The quest is simple…solve puzzles and unlock clues to locate the missing townsfolk. Grab your cardigan, fuzzy slippers, and hair rollers because you’ll need to go full cat lady for this one.

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machine learning generated human pictures
This Person Does Not Exist

These AI-generated, completely fake but totally convincing portrait photos are going to require a double-take. Forget what your eyes tell you, these…aren’t…real…people. (refresh the page for a new random image)


The ExCo team is already hard at work on exciting new projects in anticipation of an adventure-filled 2020. We hope you are too! But if any of your plans for this year include travel, just be careful. Especially if you’re sitting in a window seat…